Charles Bukowski
This quote from Charles Bukowski is clearly written for entrepreneurs. I started Piggy Polish in 2003 with no knowledge of what it would be like to run a company. I had no idea the time it would take. Or how I would worry about every detail. Or how invested I would become in every decision. Or how I would handle the stress. Or how personal I would take every criticism. Or how I would rejoice in every milestone. I knew, however, that if I was going to try, I had to go all the way. And when you think about it, isn’t that true in every aspect of your life? Whether you are an athlete, or a writer, or an artist, or a student, or a counselor, or a politician, or a lawyer, or trying to find your way you have to be ready to lose everything you have and believe in yourself. Why else even try?
I encourage everyone to read Charles Bukowski. His story is amazing. His writing is real and raw and fun and honest. And that’s what I want Piggy Polish to be to our customers ~ real, honest, fun and approachable. As we gear up for 2017, know that not much has changed since 2003. We are still trying to bring you the best possible products, with the best possible ingredients, even if it means jail. 🙂