Color, My World
For Months I Have Been Thinking About These Four Months
Something is rotten in the State of Demark. Marcellus famously spoke these words when he knew something was wrong. I spoke these words in my head on the day school was cancelled for the remaining school year. It's not that I thought there was corruption or disarray,...
As We Go On, We Remember, All The Times We, Had Together
They were so incredibly happy I think high school seniors have a different perspective on this whole Covid-19 thing. They get that they are not alone and that their senior year is messed up and that they are missing out on all kinds of traditional, rite of passage...
I Hope The Days Come Easy and The Moments Pass Slow…
...and each road leads you, where you want to go. I mean, is this the most romantic road ever? The absurdity of thinking that a gravel road is something we shouldn't travel on has gotten lost on me these last few weeks. As the world turns and shakes and prepares for...
I Have My Books, And My Poetry To Protect Me
Shielded in my armor ~I have my booksAnd my poetry to protect meI am shielded in my armorHiding in my room, safe within my wombI touch no one and no one touches me ~ Simon & Garfunkel "I am a Rock" I am sitting here trying to figure out how the world came to this....
The Price of Fear
Just the word fear can put fear in my head. Fear is different than scary. Movies are labeled as scary, not fearful, I mean, no one says "do you like fearful movies?" They say "do you like scary movies". It's different. Fear can bring up all kinds of emotions and...
Is Not January Alone Pure Winter?
I did it! The book "The Geography of Bliss" concurs that those that live in colder climates are happier. The author concluded that the shorter days and harsh weather bring us closer to each other and more dependent on others, whether it's family or neighbors or...
I Know Why Malls Are Failing
Looking out from the Paint A Pot store Every year I take Anna to the local mall in Muskegon to the 'paint a pot' place and have her paint something spectacular for her brothers and sister-in-law. She has an engineering mind so it takes a long, long, loooooong time to...
We Must Always Look Forward…Except At Christmastime
As entrepreneurs we are expected to be visionaries. To always look forward and create ideas and products that are far advanced for the future. It is expected of us. It's almost in our blood. We move forward, we see the future, we create, we envision new innovative...
Hands Tell A Story
Hieroglyphics is Greek for 'sacred writings'. They are basically symbols used instead of words or letters to convey meaning. Deciphering these symbols have proved to be difficult and now it's pretty much a guessing game as to what they were trying to say....
Out, Damn Spot
Lady Macbeth was so freaked out by all the horrible things she had done to gain power, that she went a little nutty and thought she had blood on her hands that she couldn't wash off. 'Out, damn spot! Out, out I say' she cries as she tries to wash the imaginary blood...