“We work hard, so you don’t have toooooooooooo”.    The Scrubbing Bubbles commercial had it right, way back in 1978. They produced a TV commercial featuring these funny looking alien-like creatures that talked to each other and told us that they would ‘work hard so we don’t have too’.  For whatever reason I was thinking about them today as I was preparing to launch our new Piggy Polish Monthly Subscription Boxes.  In 1978, was anything delivered to your door?  I mean, maybe milk still was, or maybe the newspaper?  Nothing was done for you as far as cooking or cleaning or shopping.  Need bread?  Run to the store.  Out of food? Run to the store.  Need clothes?  Go to Kmart.  Need…anything?  Go get it.  .No one said they would do it for you.  No one dropped anything off at your doorstep. No one volunteered to go to the store for you unless they were family and you were sick or unless they just got their license and would make any excuse to drive. No one told you they were going to work hard so you don’t have to.  Except Scrubbing Bubbles.

Fast forward to 2019.  We have Uber, so you don’t have to park or drive.  We have Script so you don’t have to go get your groceries.  We have Dollar Shave Club so you can get inexpensive shavers shipped to you every month.  We have Stitch Fix to tell you what to wear. We have Bark Box so your dog stays happy.  We have FabFitFun which sends you all kinds of stuff that you don’t even know you are getting and that you think you need.  We have GrubHub that let’s you order from pretty much any restaurant in the area and they will deliver it to you.  We have drive up prescription service.  We have Hello Fresh so we don’t have to cook.  We have deliver this and delivery that so we don’t have to ever move from our spot on the couch. In other words, other companies or people are working hard, so we don’t have too.

Scrubbing Bubbles was years  decades ahead of everyone else.

With love from Grand Haven,

